
Amazon’s highest rated and best selling DVDs are now available as online self defence and martial arts courses. You can have instant online access to the following self defence and martial arts courses.

Online Self Defence Download DVD

140 Combat Moves – £21.95 – 3 Hours

140 Combat Moves is Amazon’s most popular, and highest rated, DVD set.

This easy to follow step-by-step online self defence program provides you with all the knowledge you need fight effectively. You will learn all the theory, techniques and tactics that normally take a martial artist or security professional years to acquire.

Practicing regularly, you will increase your fitness, increase your confidence and learn how to protect yourself, your family and your friends. A fight should not last longer than a few seconds. To ensure you win quickly, all these techniques follow three simple rules. They:

  • are realistic, designed against specific attacks you may find yourself having to defend against.
  • are effective, with fast moves aimed towards pressure points and target areas.
  • require no martial arts experience, anyone can perform these moves with a little practice.

Purchase with confidence – the button below takes you to Udemy, the world’s largest online course platform with 40 million users.

Online Self Defence Download DVD

140 Advanced Combat Moves – £21.95 – 3 Hours

Following on naturally from 140 Combat Moves, the 140 Advanced Combat Moves set provides you with advanced principles to fight at a high level. In this online self defence course, you will learn all the theory, techniques and tactics that normally take a martial artist or security professional years to acquire.

All these techniques follow three simple rules. They:

  • are realistic – designed against specific attacks you may find yourself having to defend against.
  • are effective – with fast moves aimed towards pressure points and target areas.
  • require no martial arts experience – anyone can perform these moves with a little practice

Purchase with confidence – the button below takes you to Udemy, the world’s largest online course platform with 40 million users.

Get My Black Belt

Get My Black Belt: Wado Ryu Karate – £39.95 – 5 Hours

Everything you need to know to become a Black Belt

Get My Black Belt is Udemy’s best-selling karate course.

It is an easy to follow step-by-step program provides you with all the knowledge you need to be a Black Belt. You will learn all the theory, techniques and applications of Wado Ryu karate to a Black Belt level.

Practicing regularly, you will increase your fitness and flexibility, increase your confidence and learn how to protect yourself, your family and your friends.

This program not only demonstrates the techniques but also breaks them down and explains them to you while also pointing out common mistakes to avoid

Purchase with confidence – the button below takes you to Udemy, the world’s largest online course platform with 40 million users.

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