
Get My Black Belt likes to recognise its Associates and Friends. Below are links to our Associates’ clubs:

Luton Higashi Karate


Luton Higashi was established in 1994 and the standards set at the club are of the highest level. Luton Higashi is ranked among the top clubs in the UK and Sensei John Hurley is the highest graded Higashi instructor in Herts, Beds and Bucks. Luton Higashi is MOS accredited by team Beds & Luton.


Power Dragons Kids’ Karate

Power Dragons is a specially designed Martial Arts course aimed at primary school level boys and girls. The students will learn important self defense skills and also the life skills that are imparted as part of their training.

Schools already provide extra tuition to students with reading problems. Schools can now provide Power Dragons to students who require emotional support and social development through Martial Arts.


“I’m a martial arts student, instructor, author and creator of the Mittmaster Pad Training system.

“And is used by instructors, coaches and school owners around the world to improve students striking skills, build retention and create awesome martial artists.

“I first started pad training 20+ years ago when I started JKD training with my mentor Anton St James. He taught me all my fundamental skills in Kickboxing, Muay Thai & JKD. I spent a decade training daily with Anton and he taught me more than anyone else, not just about martial arts but also about how to act as a person.”

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