Get My Black Belt provides Amazon and udemy’s best selling martial arts and self defence courses. These are available online, on Udemy, so you can have instant access to them, or you can purchase DVDs from Amazon. Our titles are:
Get My Black Belt DVD/Online Course
Get My Black Belt – Wado Ryu Karate – this DVD set walks you through everything you need to know to get your Black Belt in Wado Ryu Karate. It includes, basics, kata, bunkai (kata explanation), blocks & counters and kumite (sparring).
140 Combat Moves – this DVD set is designed to teach you the basics of how to deal with a threatening situation. It can be leaned by anyone with no prior martial arts experience.
140 Advanced Combat Moves – this DVD set builds on 140 Combat Moves and provides you with deeper understanding of your options when you are in a threatening situation as well as the ability to execute the techniques required.
Master Ken Reviews 140 Combat Moves
The team at Get My Black Belt has almost 100 years of combined martial arts and self defence experience. Our mission is to distil all this knowledge into a 6 hour Martial Arts Course to teach you everything a Black Belt knows in a single DVD set.
Becoming a Black Belt has traditionally been shrouded in mystery and secrets. Now, for the first time, we break the silence and let you into all the secrets you need to know to reach a Black Belt standard.
We will give you the tools, you finish the job!
Customer Feedback: Get My Black Belt

Customer Feedback: 140 Combat Moves

Customer Feedback: 140 Advanced Combat Moves

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